4 Best things to say to a friend with cancer

4 Best things to say to a friend with cancer

Receiving news of a friend’s cancer diagnosis can be emotionally overwhelming. Finding the right words to express support and love can feel daunting. However, your support and just the right words can provide immense comfort during this challenging time. Here are four meaningful things to say to a friend facing cancer, offering support and strength when they need it most.


  1. “I’m Here for You, Every Step of the Way”:

Expressing your unwavering support is crucial for your friend so they know they’re not alone in their battle. Let them know that you’re there to listen, accompany them to appointments, or simply be a shoulder to lean on whenever they need it. But, also, it’s helpful to know what you’re really good for. Like, I love to run errands, so I offer to pick up prescriptions. I usually say something like, “let me run the errands so you can keep your close people close to you.” I also will happily walk the dog, make juice, whatever it takes to give you peace of mind, and I appreciate being assigned those tasks, as opposed to say, organizing the appointment binder, which is not my strong suit.


  1. “You’re Incredibly Brave”:

Facing cancer requires immense courage, faith and resilience. And then more courage, faith and resilience. And then some more, again.   Acknowledging your friend’s strength and bravery in confronting this challenge head-on is a great way to help them feel “seen.” Recognizing their courage can empower them and boost their morale – and given that feeling isolated and “different” is a feeling that most survivors report experiencing  – feeling seen can be incredibly comforting.


  1. “It’s Okay to Feel However You’re Feeling”:

Cancer can evoke a range of emotions, from fear and sadness to anger and uncertainty. Let your friend know that it’s normal and acceptable to experience allllll the emotions.  And this extends to how they might feel after treatment is complete.  A lot of us have lasting impact from treatment – from scars, to different body sensations, like neuropathy, to infertility.  Feeling grateful is a good thing, but it’s very likely not the only feeling. Joining a community like Graanted, where really understand what they’re going through can be helpful in processing 


  1. “I Love You”:

Simple yet profoundly impactful, expressing your love and affection can provide comfort and solace to your friend during their battle with cancer. Let them know that your love for them transcends any illness or hardship they may face. Reassure them of the strength of your bond and your unwavering commitment to standing by their side. Knowing they are loved unconditionally can help generate hope and courage, reminding them that they are truly cherished and valued beyond measure.


Supporting a friend with cancer requires compassion, empathy, and sensitivity. While finding the right words may seem daunting, expressing genuine care and support can make a world of difference. By offering encouragement, validation, and love, you can provide invaluable comfort and strength to your friend as they navigate the challenges of cancer treatment. Let your words be a source of solace and inspiration, reminding your friend that they are not alone in their fight.

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